
Provide An Answer to the Question Anxiety is Asking

For instance, if you have an anxious thought such as “What if you looked stupid while you were eating?” try to answer that question as reasonably as you can. The reality is that it probably won’t be significant. If you looked stupid then others will likely forget or not care and your other actions will demonstrate your intelligence. You could also consider the worst-case scenario. Try to create the most ridiculous set of outcomes that could grow out of this fear. See how you feel afterward.


Wait Two Minutes Before Acting

Refocus your attention as well as you are able to. If you successfully wait two minutes, wait some more. How do you feel after that? You may not feel better and that’s okay. The greater the distance between your anxiety and your response the better. Even if you don’t make it a full two minutes take heart that you have practiced resistance to the impulses of anxiety and often the development of this skill is much more important than the immediate success of the skill.


Challenge The Anxiety

This may be the hardest one yet, but sometimes when we feel anxious the best treatment is to lean into the anxiety so our brains can recognize how unrealistic our fears are. If you worry about looking ugly, go out publicly with disheveled hair. If you are afraid of spiders, watch videos of spiders for 5 minutes. If you’re afraid of germs, touch a countertop and don’t wash your hands for an hour. You might notice some reduction in anxiety if you repeatedly try this.


For more strategies to manage anxiety, check out this article from Psychology Today.